Perforated Card Printing Guide

The default settings for the Award Cards and Merit Badge Blue Cards should work fine for most printers. However, if you do need to adjust these settings for your particular printer, please follow these steps to help get your cards properly aligned. To print:

Merit Badge Application Blue Cards in TroopMaster - Use the Reports>Awards/Advancement>Blue Cards option from the main menu.

Award Cards in TroopMaster - Use the Reports>Awards/Advancement>Court of Honor/4403 option from the main menu and select the Print Award Cards checkbox in the lower left.

Award Cards in PackMaster - Use the Reports>Awards/Advancement>Pack/Den Awards Report w/ 4403 option from the main menu and select the Print Award Cards checkbox in the lower left.

You can download/print our Card Alignment Template to assist with alignment and avoid using your actual cardstock for the process.

1) First, start by aligning the card in the top left of the page.

2) Adjust the left and top margins until the card is aligned on the report.

3) Once the card is aligned on the top/left, if the output is too large to fit on the card, decrease either the Font Size or Double Spacing option, depending on which report you are generating.

4) Once you have adjusted these settings, your top/left card should look like this.

5) Next, we will work on the remainder of the cards in the first row.

6) If the cards are shifting to the left as you move across the page, increase either the Gutter Spacing or the Card Width, depending on which report you are generating.

7) If the cards are shifting to the right as you move across the page, decrease either the Gutter Spacing or the Card Width, depending on which report you are generating.

8) Once you have adjusted these settings, your top row of cards should look like this.

9) Finally, we will align the cards on the bottom row.

10) If the bottom row is overlapping the bottom of the first row of cards, increase either the Font Size, Vertical Spacing or Double Spacing option, depending on which report you are generating.

11) If the bottom row is overlapping the bottom of the first row of cards, decrease either the Font Size, Vertical Spacing or Double Spacing option, depending on which report you are generating.

12) If the vertical spacing is too large, it may force an early page break and cause the second row of cards to be moved to a new page. To correct this, please refer to Step 11 above.

13) Once all of your settings have been adjusted properly, your cards should look like this.